
2017年林口長庚醫院整形外科主辦國際鼻整形會議邀請來自國內外知名的鼻整形專家演講,有超過300位來自各國的醫師與會,是台灣舉辦過最盛大成功的鼻整形論壇會議。 韋志曄醫師也受邀演講,題目是關於人工骨在鼻整形上的應用;以及分享他在執業生涯中所遇過最困難以及最成功的案例。 此外,韋志曄醫師也擔任鼻頭整形的論壇會議主持人,與國際大師分享討論鼻整形的心得與成果

Congratulations to the CGMH, Linkou Plastic Surgery Department for hosting a great international rhinoplasty symposium. Over 300 of my fellow plastic & ENT surgeons attended this conference from all over the world.
It was such an honor for me to present the "Application of Porous High Density Polyethylene in Nasal Tip and Nasal Framework" and "The Most Successful and the Most Difficult Rhinoplasty Cases in my Clinical Experience". I also want to thank the CGMH for selecting me as the moderator of the panel discussing tip-plasty.



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